


Showing 106 – 117 of 117 results

Holy black basil

1 ft sapling

mimum order 15 saplings & Rs 300, can book other saplings with this sapling.

Ease inflammation and joint pain
Imagine being able to tackle stress, anxiety, and inflammation …



We deliver all India. Based in Trivandrum Kerela.

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Aloe Vera in Chennai

Lots of Aloe Vera at throw away prices. One plant Rs 10

available only in Chennai


Mahua tree medicinal plant

1ft Sapling minimum order for 300 rupees 15 different saplings can be purchased .

Mahua tree is an important medicinal tree as well. Mahua Flowers are stimulant, demulcent, laxative, anthelmintic, …


Indian Elm Tree

1 ft sapling : shipping extra

minimum order 15 saplings & Rs 300 can book other saplings with this sapling
shipping extra


Rusty Acacia

Acacia ferruginea DC. (Family- Mimosaceae), commonly known as 'Rusty Acacia' has a long history of traditional medicinal uses. Traditionally, different parts of this plant is used for treating various skin …


Aloe Vera medicinal plant

It is a medicinal plant. It is good for our skin. It controls blood sugar. It is good for our digestive health. Needless to say it is a must for …

New Delhi

Amla tree sapling

1 Ft sapling
minimum order 15 saplings & Rs 300 can book other saplings with this sapling
shipping extra


Pink Periwinkle medicinal

1 ft sapling
periwinkle is used for “brain health” (increasing blood circulation in the brain, supporting brain metabolism, increasing mental productivity, preventing memory and concentration problems and feebleness, improving memory and …


White periwinkle medicinal

1 ft sapling.
periwinkle is used for “brain health” (increasing blood circulation in the brain, supporting brain metabolism, increasing mental productivity, preventing memory and concentration problems and feebleness, improving …


chempaka medicinal plant

1 ft sapling
It has been observed that Michelia champaca L. is effective in the treatment of various human ailments viz., abscesses, purgative, colic, oral ulcer, gonorrhea, antiseptic, dyspepsia, nausea, opthalmia, …


Indian beech tree medicinal

1 ft sapling of this medicinal plant.
* Plant is useful for hemorrhoids, dyspepsia, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, rheumatism, herpes, cough, sores, spleen enlargement, diabetes, ulcers and sores.
* The juice extracted …
