Mahua tree medicinal plant


1ft Sapling minimum order for 300 rupees 15 different saplings can be purchased .

Mahua tree is an important medicinal tree as well. Mahua Flowers are stimulant, demulcent, laxative, anthelmintic, and cough relieving. The flowers …

Posted 4 years, 4 months Ago

Category: Medicinal Plants

Seller: Arun_Kumar
Location: Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu

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1ft Sapling minimum order for 300 rupees 15 different saplings can be purchased .

Mahua tree is an important medicinal tree as well. Mahua Flowers are stimulant, demulcent, laxative, anthelmintic, and cough relieving. The flowers are cooling in nature and used for treating cold, cough, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Seed oil is galactogenic (stimulating breast milk), pain-relieving and vomiting inducing in action. These are used in pneumonia, skin diseases, and piles. The tree bark is astringent and emollient (skin softening). The bark is used for tonsillitis, gum troubles, diabetes and ulcers. The leaves of the tree contain alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids and absence of gums and fixed oils. These are traditionally used in the treatment of are expectorant and also used for chronic bronchitis, bronchitis, rheumatism, head-ache and hemorrhoids. In Ayurveda for the preparation of alcoholic fermented drugs (Asava and Arishta), Mahua flowers are used as fermenting agent. Different parts possess the liver protective, fever reducing, swelling reducing, pain relieving, anti-tumor, anti-estrogenic