We Offer the Best collection in Desk Top Plants
Based out of Bhopal, We Ship Pan India
JADE PLANT : A branched, succulent shrub commonly grown indoors, jade plant features thick, woody stems and glossy green, fleshy, oblong leaves up to two inches long. Happily, this low-maintenance plant lives a long time, taking on the appearance of a miniature tree as it ages.
Check us out on our Instagram Handle :https://www.instagram.com/theurbangreens_tug/
And our Website: http://theurbangreens.com
Phone:9 630401393
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theurbangreenz
We Offer the Best collection in Desk Top Plants
Based out of Bhopal, We Ship Pan India
Check us out on our Instagram Handle :https://www.instagram.com/theurbangreens_tug/
And our Website: http://theurbangreens.com
Phone:9 630401393
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theurbangreenz