It is the source of the dye henna.The bark is traditionally used in treatment of jaundice and enlargement of the spleen, renal calculus, leprosy and obstinate skin diseases.
Rupees 40 for …
White rose that blooms throughout the year in bunches
3 cuttings for Rs 40
Free shipping on orders above Rs 300
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Organically grown and collected from my terrace garden.
Variegated string of of the rarest variety.
Quantiy-2 instock
Crinum is a gorgeous plant for your garden with pretty attractive flowers grown on a leaf-less steam .
The flower grows in bunches on a single stem .
Colour combination of flower …
Verbena Carolina is a fast-growing plant.
It has a high flowering capacity.
This plant blooms in bunches with very attractive pink flower .
whole-sale rates may vary .
Contact - 9455308012
Beautiful curtain vine available now after high demand limited stock only
Monsteras are very vine-like as they grow and tend to climb vertical surfaces around them. As the mature, lots of plant owners like to give them stake to encourage that …
Nitro growth booster
1 kg rupees 99
3 kg rupees 199
shipping extra
contains bio enriched compost.
contains balanced NPK