Dischidia nummularia is commonly called “String of Nickels” because its firm, round leaves look like long strands of coins. has tiny, opposite lens shaped leaves.
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Known as Kalanchoe brasiliensis/ Kalanchoe pinnata are used interchangeably in traditional medicine for treating peptic ulcers and inflammatory problems.
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This snake plant is a variety that shows off the contrasting jade green and cream-yellow hued leaves emerging from a tight rosette.
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Syngonium podophyllum, or the arrowhead plant, is also known as arrowhead vine and American evergreen. While it can be invasive and fast-spreading outdoors, it's a beautiful and easygoing houseplant that …
Also known as Dumbcana... This plant has an exotic appeal and has wonderfully shaped leaves with brush strokes of cream, and white which enhance the shape of the leaves.
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Jade plants are succulents that grow best in dry conditions with bright light, low humidity, and cool temperatures.
whatsApp 9462811352
Beautiful Aglonema red plant along with a pot available. It’s a beautiful indoor and ornamental plant and also air purifier plant …. Can be kept near your table top
Beautiful Philo's family plant "heart leaf philodendron".
Needs bright light
Less water
For bushy growth, use moss stick.
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Contact me @pagalplantpremi on Instagram
There are three pots of mint leaves and many other plants if interested call me or text me on what's app
Small plant of curry leaves in great condition. Curry leaves are good for health especially for Hair Growth and solution to greying of hair
Butterfly pea/ Aparajita White/Blue color available. The tea made from blue flower has numerous medicinal benefits like protection against chronic disease, contains high level of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammation agents helps …
Low maintenance, less water and more sunlight. When followed, Cactus is an Art.
It's a easy to maintain flowering plant with a mix of pink and yellow flowers.