Sunflower that grows within a span 45-60 days complete and which gives multiple buds in a single plant . 3 seeds in a pack.
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Variegated have mostly green leaves with an irregular, cream-coloured border. It has thick, smooth leaves are round, oblong or ovate with entire leaf margin. Some new foliage has …
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Variegated have mostly green leaves with an irregular, cream-coloured border. It has thick, smooth leaves are round, oblong or ovate with entire leaf margin. Some new foliage has …
rain lilies are very beautiful flowers with striking colors which starts to blooms from the begining of summer till the late winters. Rainlilies blooms abundently in rainy season and produces …
rain lilies are very beautiful flowers with striking colors which starts to blooms from the begining of summer till the late winters. Rainlilies blooms abundently in rainy season and produces …
Get this beautiful white Hibiscus plant for your rooftop or your garden or your balcony per se. They look so calm and beautiful in color white than any other color. …
Parsley :- a species of flowering plant . It is a bright green and biennial plant. It forms a curly and rosette of tripinnate leaves. It grows a flowering stem …
one stem with root for rupees 20
Beautiful plant
shipping in Chennai only.
shipping charges extra.
Shipping charges extra
Also booking for wholesale from 5000 to 10,000 bulbs 20 to 25% discount.
Spring Flower Bulbs
600 rs for set of 30 bulbs total 6 …
Passion flower is a beautiful seasonal flower comes in purple /violet color. It comes under vines. Very low maintenance flower. Add color to your garden, add color to life 😊
Also known as Peace lilies, Peace Lilies can live in low to bright, indirect sunlight. They're the perfect plant to bring life to a dark room or corner. Prolonged exposure …